Periorlital Melanosis (Dark Circles)

Periorlital Melanosis (Dark Circles)

Dark circles problem is very common in the Indian subcontinent and us as dermatologists face so many questions regarding them.

First of all, let’s see the causes;

  • Increase in pigmentation.
  • Acanthosis nigricans.
  • Because of the application of excessive kajal.
  • Wrinkles in these areas/prolapsed of various fat pads.
  • Thinning of skin and increase the visibility of veins and capillary network.
  • Loose and Redundant skin.

If the diagnosis is correct then we can target specific cause.

  • If there is an increase in pigmentation we can use various creams, chemical peeling and mesotherapy.
  • Acanthosis nigricans can be treated with retinal based creams.
  • Wrinkles can be treated with AHA/BHA creams/retinol based creams and HA fillers.
  • Aging leads to thinning of infraorbital skin making the veins and capillary network visible which can be treated with HA fillers.
  • Loose skin can be treated with blepharoplasty.

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